Monday, February 13

Weekly Pinterest Picks

The hubby is home! The hubby is home!! He FINALLY decided to leave the truck in Texas and have someone else talk to the dysfunctional wires. He arrived yesterday morning and I am on cloud nine over here. But on a less mushy note, here are this week's Pinterest picks!

Are. You. Kidding. Me?! Marscapone, nutella, strawberries AND whip cream? We're TOTALLY making this on Saturday. I don't even want to think about the caloric intake.
{The most amazing french toast EVER}

This makes me want to be prego and have a fan blowing on me while wearing a linen-esque maxi dress. It is just so beautiful.
wow. gorgeous.
{Pretty sure this is Gisele, but I can't find the shoot anywhere online, pinned here}

Why did I not do this at my wedding? SO rad.
this is the BEST idea ever.
{Pinned here}

This is pretty much the perfect spring outfit. Just sayin.
{Pinned here}

Oh my one piece. I have a little collection of about 25 bikinis that I LOVE (don't worry I got them all on sale)....but THIS right here is the bees knees. 
anthropologie.... I DIE
{Anthropologie swimsuit - when I first pinned it I found it on their site, but I can't find it any more! Pinned here}

Why do I laugh EVERY time? And why am I admitting this to the world?
why is this so funny?
{Pinned here}

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