Thursday, February 16


So when the hubby was STILL out of town last Saturday things got a wee bit cah-ra-zy around here. Let's take a look, shall we?

I got all cleaning happy and even took care of the shower and fridge. Woah.

When all was said and done the clean laundry started to eat my bed, so I put it in it's place. (ahahahahaha)

Watching me do so much work tuckered the little buggers right out.
Nap time

I really* had to twist their arms (or is it legs?) to go to the dog park. [*insert sarcasm]
Dog park

We have GOT to teach our dogs how to do this - one dog has the other by his leash. So rad.
Dog park

Then I did some grocery shopping and got myself a snack fit for a 3-yr-old. I'm not gonna lie - it was delicious.
{Does this outfit look familiar? I cheated and took this pic on Sunday, cuz I had bought two of these yummy little snack packs and ate one then too :) }

When I was all done with my afternoon snack, I put on some hot pink lipstick for my hot date out with myself.

Turns out I am NOT a cheap date -$16 bucks later and I was all settled in for my sob-fest (which turned out to only be an eyes-slightly-water-fest).
Date night

And then it was off to bed with the pooches. I am still sleep deprived from them hogging the bed all night. It's a good thing they're so dang cute.

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