Thursday, January 26

Awkward & Awesome Thursday #3

Some days you just want to be done with. Not in an emo-my-life-is-so-terrible way, but in a geez-that-was-a-tough-sucker-and-im-pretty-pooped way. Yesterday was that day. I won't make you suffer through all the woe-is-me details but I'm happy to report that I figured out the cure: Popcorn, dog cuddling (the hubby was away for work) and PS I Love You. It's proven to get all the tears right outta your system so you can feel right as rain the next day. And I'm happy to say it worked like a charm :) Now onto today's main event: Awkward & Awesome Thursday!!


 - Asking a random chic where she got her shoes...I looked them up immediately and here they are, perfection on a stiletto, although they looked a lot better in person:

{They're sold out everywhere but ebay}

 - Finding a contact in my hubby's new phone named "wifey" that wasn't my number. (Don't worry, it turned out to be some dude and we're pretty sure he bought the phone and returned it so some of his data was still on there)


 - Going to my niece's Jr Miss competition and having one of the moms ask if I was one of the students. I wonder how long I can pull off looking 17.....
 - My sweet hubby agreeing to let the littlest nieces do his hair and almost having the 4 yr old put pierced earrings into his closed-for-ten-years holes. 
 - Finding out from a random friend-of-a-friend that my hubby's band from like ten years ago is a huge hit in Hong Kong. Yeah, Socrates!
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