Friday, December 7

Holden @ 1 Month

So since this is a journal of sorts I'm going to try and document H's progress every month. Just little things, really, but things that I'm bound to forget as time goes on. And this way I'll have plenty of documentation to pull out when he's 16 and I want to embarrass him with his first date {insert evil laugh here}.

 - At your 1 Month check-up you were 8 lbs 15 oz & 22.5 inches, which means you've grown almost a pound & 2 more inches.
 - You have such a strong neck & legs - even the doctor commented on it - which means I may or may not but definitely have already looked into soccer leagues and what age you can start playing :)
 - You absolutely LOVE the map above our couch and stare at it pretty much every day:

 - These days you're babbling a bit, which is so dang cute.
 - Typically you love to sleep at night (4-6 hours at a time!) and at bed time you put your swaddled self to sleep no problem, but not during the day unless I'm holding you.
 - You love your car seat which is GREAT for us since we travel so much.
 - Your eyes are looking more blue every day......which would be great except for the fact that I bet your Dad a week's worth of poopy diapers that they'd be hazel like his.

 - You are honestly one of the best babies I've known....and I did quite a bit of baby sitting in my day! You are usually just happy and content on your own and although you have your fussy/tantrum-y moments, they're pretty rare.
  - Your smile still melts my heart. Especially the other night when we were up at 4am and I was rocking you back to sleep and you were starting to fall asleep on my chest and you spit out your pacifier, threw your head back to look at me and smiled for a good 10 seconds. My mommy tear ducts didn't stand a chance.

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