Wednesday, March 31

Wall Collage, Anyone?

I've become obsessed with wall collages. Of pretty much anything. It all started a couple years ago when I walked into my friend Jenny Lynne's apartment and she had this AWESOME collage of clocks above her couch. Little did I know how that would truly affect me.

The urge to create collages with anything I could get my hands on didn't come until this past August. I saw a picture collage in the new Ikea catalogue and in that moment I knew: I was destined to become hopelessly addicted to awesome, artsy collages.

Since August, I've been seeing new versions of awesome collages anywhere I look. Sometimes with empty frames, sometimes with mirrors, sometimes with the same picture in multiple colors. Really, the list goes on and on.

And honestly, I am deathly afraid that this desire will consume me and destroy any rationale I have when it comes to decorating. That one day you will walk into my house and all you will see are collages. And I do mean that they will be everywhere. Consider yourself warned.

Courtesy of my friend Kari's blog post. I secretly want to be her when it comes to decorating.

Someone actually did this for their wedding. They hired this brilliant decorator who transformed the bathroom of their venue into THIS amazingness! It will definitely be done in my house someday.

I couldn't find the frame collage from the Ikea magazine that inspired me, so this was the best I could find. Pretty cool, but not amazing. Check out the frame collage in the most recent Ikea catalogue. I promise - you won't be disappointed.

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