Tuesday, March 2

Pictures in Motion

Photography is one of my favorite things in this world. I constantly battle the urge to give up pursuing my Nursing degree and just go take pretty pictures. Now I must say: I've never taken a class, I don't take my little CoolPix camera out and take artsy shots and I don't know the first thing about lighting other than you need it. Nonetheless, I LOVE photography. I plan on taking some classes in college and making it a hobby. But for now, I've resigned to staring endlessly at any photos that seem to have power over me.

[Enter the five photos below.]

I was trying to create a header for this blog when I came across these little morsels of amazingness. I wish I could credit the photographer, but I found them in a Google image search and have no idea who took them. I can't even describe what I love about them - but for some reason I'm drawn to each one of them and literally stare at them for several minutes at a time.

 This makes me think of bittersweet happiness. For some reason, it seems to me that there is something overshadowing the blissful state depicted.

I love, repeat, LOVE this picture. I can't explain it. But it moves me somehow.

I first saw this photo on my dear friend Rachel's Facebook. She had it as her profile picture for a short while and I think it is so beautiful. But also a little haunting. I love the hands being spread apart, like she is trying not to drown. I am sure someone could do a far better job with the symbolism and what this picture truly means. I really have no idea, but I love it.

This picture simply makes me want to blow up GIANT, over sized balloons and go jump around in them. Or maybe big soft bouncy balls. I love that mid-jump she has perfect dance form. And I love her hair! I just feel happy when I see this. Someday I'm going to have a party inspired by this photo. I can't WAIT.

I will copy this picture someday. It is SO.....sooo.....is there even a word? Romantic? Precious? Sweet? Serene? None seem to adequately describe it. All I know is that I LOVE it. And it makes me want to go kiss my wonderful finance. By water. In a cute dress. With a red umbrella. Too bad I'm land-locked.
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  1. I can definitely see you and Joe under a red umbrella...

    You probably get your photography bug from your parents. Some talents are in the DNA.

    I love your blog. Keep it going!!

  2. So fun to read this blog, where did you find the last picture? Who is the artist do you know?

  3. Thanks Mom :)

    Jen - I have no idea!! That's the worst part. But I'll try to find the picture again and maybe I can figure it out! :)
