Friday, November 30

I guess Holden wasn't ready for his close up

.....But I got a few shots anyway. The little bugger made me promptly decide never to shoot newborns again. And kudos to anyone who can successfully pull it off. I mean, seriously. I would wait an hour holding H in the same position so he'd fall asleep in a cute little pose like the many I've pinned to my Pinterest board. And then the moment I tried to take the photo he'd wake up. So after a couple weeks of getting one shot here and there I called it good.

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  1. Laura--these are GREAT close-ups! Thank you!

  2. FABULOUS JOB! These are ADORABLE! He is so precious!!!

  3. yes it is a long process. Good job though. Great shots

  4. I think you did an amazing job! And he's the cutest
