Wednesday, February 26

Browned Butter Snickerdoodles

I was feeling a bit snickerdoodlish the other day and since I haven't found the perfect mixture of 5 different cookie recipes that combine into one perfect recipe of snickerdoodleness, I decided to try just one (this one). And holy amazing. I ended up using 1 tbsp (instead of tsp) vanilla and added 1 tsp cornstarch and 1 tsp cream of tartar, because, well, I had to change something. I was a bit nervous to put in the first batch since my oven hates me. No really, it does. And it REALLY hates cookies. But, for some reason today it decided to feel snickerdoodlish too. So thanks, dear oven. You got a bit testy after batch #2, but you pulled through.

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1 comment:

  1. Bug looks happy & contented! I also love Snickerdoodles! Good work! Yum!
