For some time now, I have been wanting to find an exceptional one piece swimsuit. I have found many that come close, but none that I would choose to buy over the bikinis placed next to them in the store. Then I saw this little number and everything changed.
In my opinion, this is the BEST one piece swimsuit of ALL TIME. I saw it about a month ago in my Victoria's Secret catalog. It was $140 and so I resisted the urge to buy it immediately. I had somewhat forgotten about it until I was reading my friend Kari's blog about one piece swimsuits and decided to email her the link. And that is when my world was SOLD OUT! In one single month it was gone! I quickly Googled it to find if there had been some sort of error or if it was only sold via the catalog. No such was gone.
So, now I will check Victoria's Secret every other day to see if it comes back. And I really hope it will.
this is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen! I MUST HAVE IT!!!
ReplyDeleteI KNOW!! I am beyond disappointed that they only sold it for a month and now it's GONE!